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Sunday, December 23, 2012

Human Value

What the purpose we born into this world?
Some seek for fortune, being top in the list, and more a less some seek for life satisfaction.  Cannot deny it, even me myself struggling hard to get the better CGPA and graduate!  But there's something missing in our life.  

The turbulence of wind and social lifestyle folded  our eye.  We were blind.

"Producing first class human capital" published by The Stars magazine dated : 20th September 2007.

It way back to 5 or 6 years ago, still i don't see any difference nor changes.  Did the government plan goes wrong? Did our parent raise us in  improper way? Or it our own mistake.  

Throughout the years and been to several places to stay, hang out with different races and even going date with different race and religion,  I found out we been missing something that essential.  We forgot the foundation of the life.  Can't deny religion had guide us and lead us to better way.  But still we miss out something.  

We miss out the value of human!

This is not the new religion nor way of life.  This is the foundation that bring our society to the highest stage!!  
From time to time,  Life is not mainly about being in the top of list.  But with this mentality, harmony can be achieved!

What's the value of being a human gentlemen?
Let back to very basic and beginning. " Do and Don't."
The first stage for first class mentality.  It was widely practice in my University. 
You should know what you can do and what you cannot do.  Respect other property and belonging.  
The scope were wide folk! 

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